Santiago – Chile


With a quick flight from Cusco to Lima and then to Santiago, we arrived in Chile! Our original plans to head down to Patagonia were quashed because we really didn’t have the time or the proper gear to make it there (…next time!) Although our stay in Chile was brief, we really enjoyed the city of Santiago and only wished we had more time to explore. We stayed in the district of Central Santiago near the University, where there were a ton of young people, bars, and cafes. Exactly where we wanted to be! We rented a beautiful condo through Air B & B for $60.00 CAD/per night, which had everything we needed to feel like at home. The condo was conveniently located right next to the metro station which was so awesome! Visiting cities around the world makes it apparent how important it is for Winnipeg to invest in our transportation system.

Day 1/2 – A Star Is Reborn!

Group photo at one of many bars that night in Santiago, Chile.
Group photo at one of many bars that night in Santiago, Chile.

We arrived super late on our first day and with a three hour time change, it took us awhile to adjust. The following afternoon we met with a few of our Australian friends from the San Blas adventure. It’s crazy how we keep running into these people! We visited the fish market and had a delicious family style lunch of a variety of fresh seafood, including: King Crab, Reinata, Merluza, and Octopus. We didn’t really know what we were eating but the dishes were soaked in butter and fantastic!

Of course Kik kicks off the night with Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond to get everyone going.
Of course Kik kicks off the night with Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond to get everyone going.

That night we me up again to say goodbye to the Australians as their trip was coming to an end. We met up at a rooftop bar called Barracuda on Santa Isabel street.  Clair went to order a glass of wine and when she asked if the price was for a six or a nine ounce glass, she was told that price was for THE ENTIRE BOTTLE. We knew we were in for a bad wine hangover.

After a few drinks, we kept bar hopping on this street only to finally find a completely empty karaoke bar (it was a Monday). Kik – “Yes…time to shine!” The owners didn’t seem to enthusiastic that these loaded gringos had entered their bar RIGHT at closing time, so we only had time for one song each. Until they told us about another karaoke club a couple of blocks away! It was already 2:00 am, but we felt like we had a few more songs in us. The night finished off with Kik belting out Queen – Fat Bottom Girls and the Aussies doing David Bowie – Space Oddity.

Day 3/4 – America Took A Big Fat Trump!  

Called it! Woke up with a splitting headache. We had to run some errands which gave us the chance to walk off the hangover. We went to the district of Providencia, this area is known for being popular among tourists. We stopped at a cafe for a quick refreshment (non-alcoholic this time) and witnessed a car accident. “Boy, that escalated quickly!” into the car driver punching the bus driver in the face.

Back at home watching the news was a different sort of entertainment. We don’t have much to say about this right now, or maybe we just don’t have any words to describe how humiliating this is for the United States. We couldn’t help but feel sad for all of humanity that this hooligan was voted in to run the worlds most powerful country. For shame! We felt a few stares in the airport as people peaked over their Chilean newspapers with Trumps big face on it! It’s hard to hold up your hands and say “I didn’t do it! I’m from Canada!” also #Imwithher

We’re now settled into our condo in Buenos Aires for the next 10 days. We signed up to do Cross Fit every day of the week. Can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Today is November 11, so we had our moment of silence here. It’s a good reminder of what we need to remember of our past to build a better future.


3 thoughts on “Santiago – Chile

  1. Fast and Furious travelogues, adventures and sharp tongue political commentary! Great stuff. Dark clouds are on the horizon, but as your Poppy always says in turbulent times, “Better days are Coming…”. Love you. Xoxoc
    Momsie & Popsicle

  2. Hi baby
    You two are such great writers. What a terrific Blog. Thank you for so many smiles – so entertaining and heartfelt. Lots of love

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