About us


Hi folks!

We are two Canadians from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada who have decided to do that crazy thing and drop our lives in the Great White North and adventure onward! Our date of departure will be in August 2016.

My name is Clair, I’m a 28-year-old political staffer (Think Scandal without the great outfits). I love bubbly white wine, contact sports, and my family.

My name is Christian, aka Kik [keek] – it’s a long story. I am a four-time slo-pitch champion, a physical education specialist (or PE Teacher), and a proud francophone.

We decided to take this trip together as a couple and have been planning and having surreal moments of “are we really doing this?” ever since.

This blog is meant to keep in touch with our family and friends (“Hi Mom! Hi Dad!” – Clair) but also keep an online public diary of our plans, adventures and pitfalls.

Neither one of us pretends to be travel experts – we hope to live, learn and drink beer along the way!

Our planned destinations is going to be rather fluid but generally here’s our route:

Winnipeg – Central America – South America – Australia – South East Asia – Eastern Europe – Winnipeg

Clair & Kik